Whitmans make national press in U.K. during 2019 WHO


Calvin and Janet Whitman and the hickory golf kiss seen round the world.

Oct. 29, 2019

Hickory golf’s traveling ambassadors, Calvin and Janet Whitman of Illinois, have made it their mission in life to travel widely and enjoy every moment. As Calvin has taken to hickory golf with a singular passion, their adventures often coincide with hickory tournaments. Just recently, the couple have been Scotland to take in the experience of the World Hickory Open. In doing so, they captured the attention of one U.K. photographer whose snap of the two, above, engaged in a moment of spontaneous celebration was widely used in papers throughout Great Britain. Perhaps not as famous as the kiss on VE Day back in ’45, but not bad!

Below we share some of the couple’s other photos from their 2019 WHO visit and encourage all who can to make the 2020 visit to Scotland for this most important of world hickory golf tournaments.