Peterson captures 4th Florida Hickory Open title

The 4th Florida Hickory Open concluded Wednesday, April 3, at the Dubsdread Golf Course in Orlando. The course, celebrating its 100th year, was in excellent shape and the weather, though bordering on hot, was great for the entire tournament.

“A big thanks to the Florida State Golf Association who conducted the event and for their support of hickory golf and the history of the original game,” said Mike Stevens, captain of the Florida Hickory Golfers.

Stevens is to be commended for his tireless support of the game and his efforts in collaboration with the Florida State Golf Association to create this championship. It is the first such hickory championship to be so supported by a state golf association.

(One wandering soul from Michigan who participated in the tournament was impressed with the skill of the players, their demeanor and the high regard they hold for their peers. He wishes he had played better, but took solace in the excellent company he found and on the wonderful course on which the competition was conducted.)

Will Peterson, who won the Men’s Open Division, did so for the fourth year in a row, as many years as the tournament has existed.

Click here for a report of the event on the Florida State Golf Association website and full results.

2024 Florida Hickory Open champions. From left: Alice Brown, Women’s Open Division; Will Peterson, Men’s Open Division; Richard Boggs, Men’s Net Stableford Division; and Natalie Wells, Women’s Net Stableford Division.