First Tee excitement makes Onion Creek tourney an overall winner

March 30, 2021
Austin, Texas

Pete League, host of the Onion Creek Hickory Classic, reports that it was a splendid 2021 outing from any way you look at it.

Several First Tee teams turned out in what Pete hopes might eventually turn into a national First Tee Hickory Tournament. Building toward that future, five First Tee teams from the Dallas, Austin, Piney Woods, San Antonio, and Tyler areas of Texas turned out in colorful team clothes to give it a go. The Dallas team of Jacob Lewallen, Jacob Castro, Zach Lewallen, and Eric Ramos turned in a total team score of 140 for the day’s honors.

First Tee teams around the country, consider the challenge made! Can you beat the Dallas First Tee chapter? Should you wish to enter next year, just have your First Tee director get in touch with Pete to set things in motion.

Veteran golf broadcaster Verne Lundquist joined the event for the awards ceremony and was pleased to honor Virgil Swift with an honorary Vardon Jacket. Swift, who donated a trophy for the annual Canada v. USA matches, was honored for his strong support of the tournament. The Vardon Jacket is annually awarded to the tournament champion.

As for the tournament, Ken Jackson took first place in the Senior Division; John Hutton in the Statesman Division; and Jeremy  Wright continued his winning ways at Onion Creek with another victory, just nipping 2019 USHO Champion Rick Woeckener by two.

In the scramble division, it was a team led by veteran pro Rives McBee with Scott Pilgrim, Gary Krupkin, and Michael Sloan. Any of those gents would be hard to beat straight up let alone in a team scramble. 

The Tad Moore Award for a younger player with respect for the traditions of the game was given to Danny Holcomb. The Johnny Henry Award for the low net award by a member of the Golf Heritage Society went to Hardy Moore. And the Russ Fisher Award for an outstanding tournament volunteer was given to Donna Smith.

Overall, it was the excitement generated by the First Tee players that marked the 2021 Onion Creek tournament as exceptional. “You should have seen them on the 18th green following play,” Pete said. “From the players to their teachers and parents, and the older hickory players, it was really something to see everyone’s enthusiasm. We want to offer a big thank you to all who contributed hickory putters for the kids, especially Rob Ahlschwede and Max Hill.”

Finally, some $3,000 was raised for the tournament’s official charity, Mobile Loaves & Fishes, which works to eliminate homelessness.

Click here for full tournament results.

Click here for First Tee results.

And this link will take you to a photo gallery of the 2021 event.

Verne Lundquist, left presents Virgil Swift an honorary Onion Creek Vardon Jacket for his extraordinary support of the annual hickory golf outing. Rives Mcbee, right, with his long background in hickory golf and his consistent support of the Onion Creek tournament, always adds something special to this tournament. This year, Rives thoroughly enjoyed interacting with the First Tee kids as they received their awards from him. He and Lundquist have been friends for many years.

Pete League, the indefatigable Onion Creek Hickory Classic host.