Equipment Guidelines Update


If you have been to the SoHG website recently and visited the Equipment Guidelines pages, you might have noticed some housecleaning. Your Equipment Committee has been busy updating these pages. Go ahead and check in for a look now. We’ll wait….

Now that you’re back, here’s an explanation of what we were trying to do…


First, we wanted to bring the information up to date, to eliminate old and irrelevant content and re-organize the remainder into a coherent, more meaningful document. 

Second, we have, I hope, reduced a lot of redundant material. There is good reason, sometimes, to repeat things, but not everything all the time!

Third, we found the Equipment Guidelines difficult to navigate. It is so frustrating to try to find something and after three or four attempts, give up. I hope our “cleanup” has made navigating the site easier for everyone.

And, fourth, we hope that the update will help our members, and others, who visit the site become more informed and more likely to engage in a conversation about equipment questions. Above all, we hope these updates make the hickory golf experience more interesting and more enjoyable.

It is important that all SoHG members become familiar with equipment issues and feel free to discuss/question/argue about those issues most important to you.

The Equipment Committee is always available to answer questions about the guidelines, specific equipment issues or whatever comes up. That is, unless we are on the course enjoying another great day of hickory golf!! (In which case, we’ll get back to you right after a visit to the 19th hole.)

Rob Ahlschwede,

Equipment Chair