CHGA mourns loss of a family member

Bill Engelson writes:

Many of you may not have heard that Evan Mickle, the son of our hickory brother, Jay Mickle, died unexpectedly the day after Christmas. Evan leaves behind his wife, Christy, and two young children, Henry, 4 years old, and Holly who recently turned one. Many of you may not have known Evan, but he is linked to us through our love of hickory golf.

Friends have set up a memorial fund and I’ve posted the link on the Carolina Hickory Golf Association website should you feel moved to help out this family in need.  Any amount, however, small will help out.

Click on the link below to go the CHGA website, then click on the link in the Forum item – Fund for the Mickle Family – to add your name to the list of donors.

Please take a moment to reflect upon your blessings and seize the opportunity to tell those close to you how much they mean to you. We never know when a similar tragedy may strike down someone alongside us.

May 2017 be your best year ever.
Far and Sure,
Lang Willie
Captain Emeritus, CHGA

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